The Goose Creek Artists Guild was founded in 1982, and is comprised of artists from Berkeley, Dorchester, and Charleston counties.
Our membership includes artists of all levels of expertise. The guild promotes art in the community by participating in arts-related activities and festival events, outreach in schools, visual arts workshops, and showcasing artwork in venues throughout the area.
An annual judged exhibition welcomes all juried exhibiting members to participate, receive recognition for their works, and compete for award ribbons and cash prizes.
Monthly meetings include a live visual art demonstration and business agenda to further our purpose..."to bring together a group of artists interested in self-improvement, public recognition, and the promotion of arts in the community."
The mission of the Goose Creek artist guild, a 501c3 non-profit organization, is to bring together a group of artists interested in self-improvement, public recognition, and promotion of art in our community.
Objectives: 1. Ongoing instruction and demonstration by guest artists 2. Exhibition Opportunities for members 3. Possibilities for interaction between artists 4. Publicity for the guild and the members' artistic endeavors 5. Instruction and support to the community at large
The Guild works closely with the City of Goose Creek and their efforts to bring more art into our community through painted sculpture in the city and featured artworks printed on 2x4 foot flags, vinyl-wrapped utility boxes, and murals.
Membership Associate Members: Membership is open to ages 18 years and up. Associate members shall be those interested in promoting the objectives and purposes of the guild. A new member may aspire to become an exhibiting member.
Exhibiting Members: Exhibiting members demonstrate their commitment to the purpose and objectives of the Guild by presenting their work before the public. Exhibiting members must be approved by the Executive Board, and dues must be paid in full. Exhibiting members may have their website linked here.
To become an exhibiting member, one must attend two meetings prior to submitting three original paintings completed within the previous 2 years to the Executive Board for review. The applicant shall request a review by the Executive Board at a convenient time, after attending two meetings. The results of the review will be mailed to the Guild member.
Exhibiting members are required to have paid their dues in full and have attended at least two meetings prior to the Guild sponsored show.
Visitors: Visitors are welcome! After attending two Guild meetings, a visiting guest is encouraged to join the Guild as an Associate Member on their third visit by paying membership dues.
Membership Dues: Dues are currently $35/year. Dues paid after October 31st are subject to a $10 late fee. Membership forms will be available at the September meeting, or may be downloaded below.